About Us
It was 1998 when Peregrine Media Group began this journey, producing environmental films and what ever else we could muster to make ends meet. Digital Video was just coming of age, and computer editing was considered cutting edge. So with a single DV camera, a Pentium computer, a 10 GB hard drive and an ideal, we set out to enhance the way people think about the subjects we care about.
Today, nothing has changed fundamentally. Our heart is still worn on every frame. We work for brands and causes we believe in, and every production must reach further than the last. What has changed is the World that surrounds us, the way we do things, the tools we work with, and the clients we work for. Our DV cameras of old are now replaced by color infused 8K cinema cameras. Our fascination for the craft has magnified with the progression of digital cinema. Our creative options have exponentiated after twenty-two years in the business. And most importantly, between our first project and our last, we’ve learned what makes good media great.
If you’re looking into our services you’re probably looking for a boutique production company that produces a big market product. You might be working with a tight budget but you don’t want your audience to know it. You want your vision to shine, so your audience feels what you want them to feel, and does what you want them to do. And above all, you want to sleep at night, knowing that we’ve got this, because we always do.
We work for clients all over the world, spanning local, regional, national and international spheres of influence. Whether you’re a producer, director, creative agency, small business, or individual, we look forward to hearing about your next project.